Responsible investment is high on the Shell Pension agenda. But how do you and your (former) colleagues feel about sustainability? To find out, we launched a survey last summer in which 7,000 participants took part. We share the most important findings with you here.
Shell actively strives for 4 (out of 17) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal 7), Sustainable Cities and Communities (Goal 11), Climate Action (Goal 13) and Gender Equality (Goal 5). Of these goals, 'Affordable and Clean energy' is your favourite. This goal is seen as the most appealing and also the most suitable for Shell.
Half of you let sustainability play a role in financial matters. To a larger extent, responsible investment is seen as achieving a good return and security for the future. To a lesser extent, investing in sustainable funds.
You are not actively involved with the content of your pension scheme; you have a high degree of confidence in our Shell Pension Fund. You also feel it is important that Shell Pension invests responsibly. Two-thirds of the respondents would like to be kept up-to-date about the investment policy.